"Ahhh!! I Absolutely more than love it! Every ... " (more)thing is Ah-may-zing! Jules! You Really outdone yourself in this one :) pretty good box for your last auction ^-^ thank you so much Jules♡ I love it all ♡"
"I hope you absolutely love this one more than ... " (more)any ever! Expect delivery Tuesday 18th Thanks so much for waiting so long girl I sent oodles of extras to make up for it! Hugs n <3 !!!!"
"Thank you for another awesome box, sis! I ... " (more) LOVE it! You have completely lifted my spirits up and it was like Christmas or my Birthday opening up your beautifully put together lot. Thank you so, so much, Jules. You're appreciated and loved greatly - not just for this, but for being YOU."
May 27th 2016, 2:14:26 AM BST (almost 9 years ago)
"Julie, my only issue with the box was. ... " (more)... you weren't in it to give you a big hug! But I'll bid harder next time ;) I am in TEARS! Everything was so well packed and chosen with love and care as always. I can't say how much I love my big sis enough. She is truly one in a million. Love you, Jules!❤️"
Apr 15th 2016, 3:34:05 AM BST (almost 9 years ago)
"Awww that just makes my day Sweetheart lil Sis ... " (more)! Thank you so much for your patience and I'm SUPER Happy to hear that you love it! I hope you've looked inside the zip-bag with Little Twin Stars? LOL! Your fave! Enjoy my Dear! LOVE YOU TO PIECES!!!! Thanks soooo much!!!! XOXOXO <3 <3 <3"
Apr 15th 2016, 11:51:24 PM BST (almost 9 years ago)
" Wow, so much stuff! : ) This seller is ... " (more) AMAZING☆!! I love every single piece, and the extras!! Thank you so so very much my friend. : ) I will love you forever♡"
"Aw that makes my heart smile!!!! Thanks so ver ... " (more)y much Tiffany and I love you right back! Delighted to hear that you love it- yay!!!! Big hugs & thanks a million! "
Apr 5th 2016, 11:57:23 PM BST (almost 9 years ago)