"I tried contacting this seller asking when the n ... " (more)ecklace would be coming and they said it was on its way,I NEVER RECEVIED IT!! and until i left negative feedback for them they have never even contacted me me again,anyone that has worked with me knows i am very honest and definatly not hard to work with at all and thy never tried making anything better."
Jan 12th 2010, 10:09:44 PM GMT (about 15 years ago)
"i would like to know she gave me unfoun ... " (more)ded negative feed back, i have confirmationed that she has recieved her item, and i have sold this necklace before on here and gotten wonderful feed back. She refuses to let me make it better, very hard to deal with. "
Jan 12th 2010, 8:41:02 PM GMT (about 15 years ago)