"I wrote to Brandon to explain that I l ... " (more)isted my book for free on the dates advertised. Anyone using Listia was welcome to download the books then. Brandon and another member was confused about the limited time period, even though I clearly stated the timeframe in my ad. I do not want to irritate anyone with this situation, so I won't be listing my books on Listia again. I'm disappointed that members did not understand the limited nature of the offer. The upside was that it wouldn't cost anyone anything, and EVERYONE who was interested was welcome to download my book on the dates listed. Perhaps Listia would allow limited timeframe listings in a different section of the site. But until that might happen, I will refrain from auctioning my eBooks. Thank you!"
Apr 5th 2012, 4:27:17 PM PDT (almost 13 years ago)