"Ty very much... i have no clue, maybe got l ... " (more)ost in mail!!! i'm honest so wouldn't keep them, just wanted to let you know!!! if they come in mean time i will send you them because you gave me my credits back!!! ty again and sry for trouble!!! :)"
Jun 2nd 2012, 3:16:41 PM PDT (almost 13 years ago)
"So Sorry I don't know what happened to them ... " (more) :( They shoould have been there already ..... I have no problem refunding your credits and I'll check with my post office to see if I can find out what happened"
Jun 1st 2012, 5:44:51 PM PDT (almost 13 years ago)
"So sorry don't know why thee haven't g ... " (more)ot to you yet But I will refund your credits and see if I can figure out what happened with my post office in the morning..... SORRY AGAIN :("
Jun 1st 2012, 5:47:58 PM PDT (almost 13 years ago)