"Seller is a CRAZY. Seller Never Gave Me ... " (more) What I Won. All she did is keep messaging me telling me she was busy and that's why she hasn't sent it to me yet. She had time to message me but not send me something. Winning was just an email too. "
"I wish I could give negative feedback ... " (more) to this annoying seller. All I really messaged back were one word messages and I was going to make the whole email professional but I guess this girl wants it all ratchet. She needs to chill."
Oct 13th 2012, 10:38:10 PM PDT (over 12 years ago)
"I really wish listia wasn't so ho ... " (more)rrible and would let me put negative feedback on an occasion like this. This listian was BEYOND HORRIBLE! I have never had to deal with someone so rude, disrespectful, and nasty. She stole my item and listia was dumb for giving this monster it's credits back. "