"Seller changed his mind about his transa ... " (more)ction.Seller stated tht he would not let this dvd player go for the points that this item had earned. Not a good way to get loyal bidders. Very disappointed that a seller would choose to not follow thru with a auction. I bid and had the highest bid but seller thought that it was worth more points. To bad since I will not trade with this seller again. I will also block this seller since I do not trade with people who do not live up to agreements and binding auctions. FFF----- seller."
Feb 28th 2011, 12:01:31 PM PST (about 14 years ago)
"I'd be willing to bet that you still ... " (more)havent mailed off that shipping fee....Not nice to try and rip someone off...and NO, I STILL havent gotten anything...I thought it kinda strange how you mentioned that you "hope it didnt get lost in the mail" when it had only been a few days since you "mailed" it...Bad Bad BAD !!"