"As of this feed back, Jan 24th I have not rece ... " (more)ived it. I left a comment on Jan 19th asking if seller sent it. Received a response on Jan 20 stating that the seller mailed it out that day, it was a Sunday. I requested refund of credits due to not receiving item within time restrictions."
Jan 24th 2013, 3:30:31 PM GMT (about 12 years ago)
"I am very sorry that you have not receive ... " (more)d the VHS cleaner. The VHS cleaner did get put in the mail on Saturday 1/19/2013. I am currently tracking the cleaner. If you do happen to receive it please keep it free of charge, again with my apologies. :( Hopefully we meet again under better terms. "
Jan 24th 2013, 6:16:14 AM GMT (about 12 years ago)