"I sent payment then they said they woul ... " (more)d ship and then asked again about payment when they already had it I am out 4.99 but I guess that is ok "
Dec 18th 2013, 8:58:58 PM PST (about 11 years ago)
"I checked mothers paypal and payment not rec ... " (more)eived nor buyer never told me under different name! Unfair negative feedback will request reversal!"
Dec 20th 2013, 6:02:44 AM PST (about 11 years ago)
"There was way too much confusion with this tr ... " (more)ansaction. I do honestly wonder if she had all of the pieces I won. (20 total) she is nice but I would probably not do business with her again."
"Your very welcome and thanks for your patien ... " (more)ce while we set up our new computer DSL line for printer to allow shipping labels:) Enjoy your Lego man bonus! A great buyer!!!"
Apr 18th 2013, 9:21:13 PM PDT (almost 12 years ago)