"NEGATIVE!! SELLER RIPS ME OFF on a points on ... " (more)ly code she advertised as movie code, then lies to listia, now refuses to send another item I won, avoid at all costs unless you want problems."
May 22nd 2017, 6:16:25 AM PDT (almost 8 years ago)
"Don't sell to this user they should be re ... " (more)moved from listia, tried to rip me off twice in one week. Said I didn't send item 23 hours after they received it."
May 17th 2017, 11:36:06 AM PDT (almost 8 years ago)
"THIS IS NEGATIVE, SELLER SELLS a code as a m ... " (more)ovie that was just points, then has no problem lying to listia to keep credits, avoid this seller and BLOCK from your auction a true LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
May 14th 2017, 6:27:07 AM PDT (almost 8 years ago)