"Don't trust this seller. They have li ... " (more)sted this exact same item three times and didn't send it any of the times. Seller didn't respond to me in several days and when they finally did, was rude and nothing but excuses. I'm blocking and warning my friends. 100% Pain In The A** seller. Watch out!!!"
"Fine. My credits have been refunded, an ... " (more)d your chosen method of shipping is $18(though you could have paid 5.14 through USPS). Exact shipping is meant to be exact, no rounding up or down. To do so would not be exact shipping."
"i refunded your credits but it clearly says ... " (more)winner pays exact shipping. and it cost 9.45 for a box for the item and the total came up to 16.79 plus local fees to mail it i looked it up on the website for the postal service. i wasnt going to through fedex. so ok 18.00 . "