"Pitched a fit because a couple of people ... " (more)wanted to know where their merchandise was and she got offended. I had to ask after 8 days if my item had even been mailed since she never let me know. Worst of all when I asked she lied to me and said she mailed the item but in truth she never mailed it."
"I will be leaving Listia. I have never seen p ... " (more)eople so upset because they have to wait for shipping of FREE items due to the holidays. Your points will be refunded and when you get your purchase enjoy anyway. "
"I wrote... no response. Communication ... " (more)btw buyer and seller is necessary... even throughout the holidays. 8 days and not a word!! Don't be mad at me for something YOU could have prevented... "
"I will be leaving Listia. I have never seen p ... " (more)eople so upset because they have to wait for shipping of FREE items due to the holidays. Your points will be refunded and when you get your purchase enjoy anyway. "