"The buttons were never mailed to me and I rea ... " (more)lly wanted them :( But since I think it was the sellers first time using Listia and probably didn't know how the whole thing worked I'll still leave positive feedback."
"Thank you so much dear. :) I'll be sen ... " (more)ding those out even though you got a refund. I am SO SORRY about that. Hope you enjoy your buttons. :) "
Mar 5th 2013, 10:05:53 PM PST (about 12 years ago)
"I think it was seller's first time using ... " (more)Listia and probably didn't know how the whole thing worked. But the button was never mailed to me and I had to ask for a refund. I'll still leave positive feedback :)
"Thank you so much dear. :) I'll be sen ... " (more)ding those out even though you got a refund. I am SO SORRY about that. Hope you enjoy your buttons. :) "
Mar 5th 2013, 10:05:59 PM PST (about 12 years ago)