"You truly deserve this Negative:) -Chrystal sent ... " (more)the top which was old, faded and worn (I have the pictures!) with the shirring falling apart (broken, stretched out elastic and thread). The auction stated that the top was worn once - not true! The first thing that I did when I received the package (Delivery Confirmation# 03101230000225101421 delivered at 4:15 pm on December 20, 2010) after my initial shock and disappointment, was get pictures of the top, I then filed the dispute (Dec 20th, 2010 at 5:21:24 PM) and sent the pictures to Listia. After reviewing the evidence Listia instructed me to send the top back in order to get my credits back. As far as Chrystals accusations against me - Purely retaliatory and angry at me for giving her a negative. "
Jan 11th 2011, 1:47:31 AM GMT (about 14 years ago)
"- negitive feedback. please leave me alone. do ... " (more) not contact me anymore or i will report you. my pictures of it before i sent it are proof yours were a way to get your points back. you are wrong and you know it and thats all i have to say. beware everyone!!"
Jan 13th 2011, 4:23:35 AM GMT (about 14 years ago)