"Was not a real VB purse and I had to pay to se ... " (more)nd it back. She thinks I don't know what a real VB purse looks like, when I myself collect them. This post was very misleading, saying there was not tag. I thought it meant, no price tags, not the Vera Bradley label tag! Oh, but there was one still in the purse.... "100% cotton made in China" Wired how they would take off the VB tags and leave the small cheap one. Very disappointed! "
"This person is dishonest, I auctioned a p ... " (more)urse that i thought had no vb tags. She wanted her credits back almost 24 hrs after auction. I recieved the purse back bleached out to where i had to throw it away and could not use it again. this whole situation was messed up and id advise everyone from doing business with this dishonest person. she got away with it because listia couldnt prove what the purse looked like before i sent it off. this person harassed me through emails as well day and night cursing me and laughing. Through the stressed of it I ended up in the ER. highly unrecommendable. I cant even leave negative feedback even though they left it for me. this whole auction i wished it would of been someone else that would of enjoyed the purse it was a waste of my time and money that ill never get back. she mailed it alright but i got it back in a very disrespectful condition. I think she washed it accidently bleaching it and did everything she could to try to get the credits back even though she said she didnt want credits."
Very disappointed! "