"I received my necklace, but after having ... " (more)my jeweler check it out I found that it was silver plated, not sterling silver and that it was a rhodalite garnet not ruby. The necklace was very nice, but let the seller know this and asked to have my credits refunded because the necklace wasn't as stated in the title. I will still do business with this seller as I did not have any problems with her and she did not know that the necklace wasn't silver. I did get my credits refunded after I sent the necklace back. So please bid from this seller!!! Fast to respond to e-mails!!! Fast to ship product!!! Good Listia Seller!!! Thanks Again!!! A+++"
Mar 16th 2011, 3:02:00 AM GMT (about 14 years ago)
"Thanks for the Bratz doll.It would have bee ... " (more)n nice if it wasn't dirty.The face is stained with something or other.In any case i think we'll get by! Thanks. :)"
Feb 17th 2011, 2:56:02 PM GMT (about 14 years ago)