"I decided to leave neutral feedback for t ... " (more)he following reason: i waited for over one month to get my reading.. i think i did my part as a buyer and was extremely patient thru all the seller circumstances.. i felt she didn't deserve a neg, because she did try to keep me updated.."
Nov 24th 2012, 11:54:12 AM PST (over 12 years ago)
"Really sorry about that. Thank you for you ... " (more)r patience. I moved, got sick, started a new job, mom is getting married today and had an uncle die. I've refunded your credits and I am super sorry about all this."
"*** Winner claimed they did not receive ite ... " (more)m. I offered to send 2 more-more expensive items. They looked through my other auctions & requested items that were not offer to them. I think they used the fact that i forgot to include tracking to try to get more out of me. DO NOT forget tracking."
Oct 21st 2012, 10:18:20 AM PDT (over 12 years ago)