"The enchanged items were fine. Sorry you fel ... " (more)t as though you could not tell me through listia about the missing pigs * I am most certain they ran away for fear of becoming bacon ;) *- I promise I not upset at all!! Still a great seller and wonderful person!! Will be looking forward to doing more buisness with MissShadae in the future :)"
Jan 29th 2011, 2:34:33 PM PST (about 14 years ago)
"I spacifically ask the winner to refund her ... " (more)credits...Not only that I ask her if she wanted a refund....This bidder was really mean and rude, and u shouldn't deal with her...I didn't want to give her the game system for 100 credits, so I asked nicley if she either wanted a refund or to exchange it for something else....Do not deal with this bidder u will have a hard hard time with her...I dint mean any harm at all but she gave me negative feedback cause shes really mean. DO NOT DEAL WITH THIS BIDDER....I SWEAR SHE WILL GIVE U PROBLEMS...HUGE PROBLEMS."
Jan 28th 2011, 9:02:15 PM PST (about 14 years ago)
"Wow Bidder gave me Positive feedback, before ... " (more) i even shipped the itm out, thats amazing....A++++++++BIDDER....Will be shipped out teausday."
Jan 23rd 2011, 4:03:23 PM PST (about 14 years ago)
"Wow thank you bidder, lol no I wont screw an ... " (more)yone over, I dont want to mess up on Listia, so i make sure u get what you've won....Thank u bidder gave me feedback before the item even arrived, cool A"
Jan 21st 2011, 10:37:32 AM PST (about 14 years ago)