"seller was late shipping the items that were all ... " (more)won around the time and then blamed the post office saying they did a partial post (it was parcel post for another box) at least these didnt spill out of the box! I will not EVER do business with her again!"
Jun 17th 2011, 12:40:35 AM PDT (almost 14 years ago)
"seller was late shipping the items that were all ... " (more)won around the time and then blamed the post office saying they did a partial post (it was parcel post for another box) at least these didnt spill out of the box! I will not EVER do business with her again!"
Jun 17th 2011, 12:40:23 AM PDT (almost 14 years ago)
"seller was late shipping the items that were all ... " (more)won around the time and then blamed the post office saying they did a partial post (it was parcel post for another box) at least these didnt spill out of the box! I will not EVER do business with her again!"
Jun 17th 2011, 12:40:11 AM PDT (almost 14 years ago)
"I attempted to contact this seller as we had a pr ... " (more)oblem when i received the box, she NEVER replied, I had to go out of town for my uncles funeral so getting in touch with her was forgotten, The auction shows the container of neatly sorted beads, the seller didnt put anything in there to keep them from moving, nor did she tape it shut so no beads could escape the case, same thing with the shipping box, taped only across the center flap. Beads came out of the case into the box and out the cracks of the box, all over the po trucks, sorting bins, sorted mail tubs and the mail carriers vehicle, over half of my beads were lost due to her not packing correctly. She also said she would add the bottles from the other 3 auctions I won from her, in with the box, she claimed the po did a partial post, no such thing exists, she forgot and sent the other auctions in a seperate box parcel post I was quite unhappy with this person and will not purchase anything else from her! Im being polite and leaving her neutral when she honestly deserves negative for this transaction!"
Jun 17th 2011, 12:35:09 AM PDT (almost 14 years ago)