"She never sent the game and she kept my s ... " (more)hipping and come to find out she did this to another woman .WARNING DO NOT DEAL WITH THIS WOMAN SHE IS A SCAMMER"
Mar 20th 2013, 5:23:50 AM PDT (almost 12 years ago)
"I have already refunded your credits. I sti ... " (more)ll want to send this to you. I am so sorry that you have had this bad experience with me. It was truly unintentional. May God bless"
"I paid $6 shipping and handling and never re ... " (more)ceived anything, sale was inconsistent. Problems from the word GO the minute I won. I would like my paypal payment refunded."
Feb 26th 2013, 3:57:17 PM PST (about 12 years ago)