"Never Received the dress!! Seller stopped resp ... " (more)onding!! Tweeting on auctions she has recently won! Dispute filed and credits were refunded!!! BEWARE of this seller!!!!!"
Jun 11th 2011, 12:43:10 AM PDT (almost 14 years ago)
"Never Received the Tunic. Seller does not res ... " (more)pond to emails! However Tweeting about all the wonderful items she has been winning recently???"
Jun 9th 2011, 10:01:38 AM PDT (almost 14 years ago)
"Never responded to my emails and she even twee ... " (more)ted about this dress. I thought for sure I would get it. I was hopping to give it to my daughter for her 8th grade promotion. Really big bummer!"
Jun 8th 2011, 11:56:27 PM PDT (almost 14 years ago)