"Excuse after excuse and never got a confi ... " (more)rmation. Was waiting out the 10 days to get credits and use them. On the 9th day I submit a refund request and told her I would cancel it if she gave me some kind confirmation of delivery but blew up and got upset acting like a child. Tried scam and lied about delivery. Never do business with this person."
Aug 26th 2011, 11:10:25 PM BST (over 13 years ago)
"This guy is so rude and disrespectful he mu ... " (more)st hate women or something idk? He tried to get this item for free when I confirmed shipping on this W/ Tracking number he requested his credits back the same day. I asked him y and he cursed me out making up a stupid excuse about the number, I had to call ups and by some miracle they stop the transit for a large fee. This old guy is a LIAR and scammer he needs to go find a friend or something to play with"