"I am so very sorry. I have been having family i ... " (more)ssues and have not been able to get on the computer in a while. You did everything right and I am truelly sorry I will get this out to you however because you did win it. And it wasn't your fault. thank you. I will email you tuesday the confirmation number. "
"thanks for the positive feedback you are a wond ... " (more)erful bidder and individual thanks a bunch. Great person to do Business with. Very Very understanding person. "
"Said it was shipped out on the 16th never ... " (more)received so I sent email on 21st said it had been shipped and was looking for confirmation number NEVER heard from again....had to request refund thru Listia...seller has not been back on since 21st either...."
"Well I am sorry that this happened to you I int ... " (more)rusted someone to mail it off for me because I am having family problems right now. I have not been on Listia and I am not trying to get caught up on my auctions and stuff. So I am sorry you feel that way. "