"A+++++ Seller. I found out the bag is act ... " (more)ually just a replica but i love it so much and it is the bestest purse ive ever owned!!!! The shipping was EXTREMELY fast - she even gave me the left over because the shipping wasnt as expensive as was first thought. This purse is very nice and i love it dearly. Thanks again for putting this up as an auction - and thank you for shipping so quickly!!! A++++++++++++++++++"
Mar 14th 2010, 12:07:43 AM GMT (about 15 years ago)
"LOL well even though its a replica, I ... " (more)guess thats how my richy friend rolls LOL no wonder she's got money hahaha anyways I am glad you enjoy it so much. Take care"
Mar 14th 2010, 2:05:05 AM GMT (about 15 years ago)