"sorry i did not get your item to you i was inju ... " (more)red at work and have spent the last week in bed and on pain pills . I am glad you got you credits back... thank you and God Bless"
"Sorry i did not get your item to you i was inju ... " (more)red at work and have spent the last week in bed and ion pain pills.. thank you for you interest any way god bless and have a great day"
"I'm most dissapointed. She didn't respon ... " (more)d for the last week but still has no reason for the fact that my item wasn't sent out almost TWO weeks ago. I am sorry to hear you were hurt, however, you didn't send this out BEFORE you got hurt...Will not deal with this person ever again...it's too bad...really wanted the turtle sun catcher for my wife's christmas present..."
"sorry i did not get your item to you i was inju ... " (more)red at work and have spent the last week in bed and on pain pills ... God bless and have a great day "