"Thank you for refunding my credits. However, I ... " (more) was really looking forward to getting the game, and even though you responded to my refund request quickly, you didn't respond to any of my messages."
"I sent a prepaid shipping label for this to ... " (more) be shipped out. Still wondering why the seller was "not able to give it to me." Communication would be nice. Now I am out the $2.60 I spent on a PayPal USPS shipping label that I paid for, printed, then spent .44 cents to mail to seller all just to find out that my credits would be refunded and I would not get the game for who knows why. There is a Messages system on this site -- would be nice if it was used for a little more communication. My kids were REALLY looking forward to this game and now I have to explain to them that it is not coming and I don't even know why myself..."
Jul 29th 2011, 11:25:26 PM PDT (over 13 years ago)