"Received today. If there was a Listia aw ... " (more)ard, it should be given to the seller. A wonderful person to work with. Will go beyond what is needed to make a buyer happy. "
Oct 30th 2014, 4:08:44 PM PDT (about 10 years ago)
"This is Tiffany Michelle, I hereby give ... " (more) Th Best Customer Award to Cynthia Rierson! I would not trade the time that I had with her for any amount of auctions offered. She is wonderful!"
Oct 30th 2014, 6:51:53 PM PDT (about 10 years ago)
"Received today. It was beautiful. seller ... " (more) goes beyond to get a seller the best. I feel lucky to have found this necklace and earring set."
Oct 30th 2014, 3:44:41 PM PDT (about 10 years ago)
"Wonderful wonderful woman. She was the ... " (more)best delight to work with. I really hope that I get to work with her again. She has become a good kind woman that anyone would be blessed to have as a friend. I really hope to be able to keep her around!"
Oct 30th 2014, 6:47:31 PM PDT (about 10 years ago)