"I understand that we are only spending point ... " (more)s on here,but they are points we get from things we put up for auction that have some meaning for us-if they didn't they would have been thrown out when we no longer needed them.You expected and received these same credits in return for the dress which as I told you was a birthday present for my daughter,and we never received it. It is people like you who are problems for Listia,and we will all be better off without you. If you were not planning to send the dress you auctioned,you should have been up front about it instead of exploiting whatever family problems you may have been having as an excuse to draw it out for over a month and then just disappearing before I got my refund. I tried to be sympathetic,but that is ridiculous! I didn't ask for a refund until after you ignored my messages for weeks and I realized you were no longer using the site. If I am guilty of anything it is falling for your scam and misplacing my trust in you and your story-telling.Lesson learned& good riddance! "
"i understand that your "patience is gone&q ... " (more)uot; but we stopped listia a long time ago because its people like YOU that we dont want to deal with. you people are crazy you act like you pay for these things but you dont! its only points! this is why this site is ridiculous, because everyone throws a hissy fit over nothing. its not like you bought the dress, plus ***** happens maam. we have been going through things that is none of your cocern and they are more important than your damn dress. you got your precious points back, and stop wasting my time."
Oct 11th 2011, 10:06:42 PM PDT (over 13 years ago)