"Be cautious of dealing of this seller!! They ch ... " (more)anged the terms of the listing and insisted that I explain to them "Why" I needed the phone even after I won. Now she/he is making it seem like they are having family problems??? We were exchanging emails for 8 days and the phone was never sent. This entire transaction just gave me a headache and I requested to have my credits refunded.
Note to this seller: Don't sell on Listia if you cannot follow through and commit to sending buyers their goods!"
Apr 2nd 2012, 5:17:13 PM BST (almost 13 years ago)
"What a crock of ........, This is what you ema ... " (more)iled me, I never contacted you, exept to send my address, this is the email this Seller sent, makes little sense"
Mar 28th 2012, 5:57:51 PM BST (almost 13 years ago)
Note to this seller: Don't sell on Listia if you cannot follow through and commit to sending buyers their goods!"