"Took 7 days to tell me she wouldn't sen ... " (more)d because the xnk was too low!?! Don't do auctions then, make it a listing and set the GIN @ a price high enough for you to actually send it. You've been here long enough to know how an auction works & that you really screwed me over. Thanks a lot."
"I have personal issues right now. I do have th ... " (more)e phone that's not the problem I haven't listed in a long time for a reason. I'm just not going to start listing again until my personal issues are resolved. I do apologize I did try"
"Listing ended for 18 days before I opened a dis ... " (more)pute. Took the full 5 days for listia to refund my credits. Now seller is saying "was in the hospital" as soon as LISTIA refunds credits 22 or so days in. Buyer Beware. "