"Stuff got lost in mail I completely unders ... " (more)tand that I would look forward to your next upcoming auction I completely understand that thank you very much and have a pleasant under have a pleasant day I look forward to"
Apr 25th 2016, 2:13:18 PM PDT (almost 9 years ago)
"You tried your best thank you very much st ... " (more)uff got lost in the mail I understand that I look forward to your next upcoming auction maybe stuff will work out better than next time"
Apr 25th 2016, 2:12:40 PM PDT (almost 9 years ago)
"You tried your best I understand thank you ... " (more) for working with me I appreciate it very much I will look forward to your next upcoming auctions sorry things couldn't work out"
Apr 25th 2016, 2:11:08 PM PDT (almost 9 years ago)