"Thank you for letting me know you got the ... " (more)items. I hope your grandparents will show them off and you can like send me a pic of them wearing the items so I can post it on my blog to advertise what they look like on people. My email addy is princess92028@hotmail.com. I also gave you my business card inside the box. I hope you will use it for anyone that is looking for hats or scarfs or anything. You can also check out my blog too.
"I thought I did. But I am glad you are en ... " (more)joying your hat and purse. I hope that you will pass the card on to someone else if you don't use it later. I will also ask that you check out the blog that is on the back of the business card cause there are more items on there. I hope you enjoy it and if you would like another one made for someone else let me know and what color and I will let you know what the price is. Please also make a donation to Ride for Kids.org in my name at firstgivings.com/nicolegoard"
Aug 31st 2011, 10:14:40 PM BST (over 13 years ago)
"I am glad you received your package and I ... " (more)also left a business card in your box. If you like to check the rest of the stuff on the blog let me know and I will try to make you more. The prices vary depending on how long it takes me to get it done and also how much the yarn cost. So please let me know how he enjoys it and you can take a picture of it on him and send it to my website or blog."