"I never received and was never refunded. ... " (more)Poor seller. I tried more than once to give her the benefit of the doubt. I do not recommend buying from her"
Mar 5th 2019, 12:15:53 PM PST (almost 6 years ago)
"Refunded. Ran into hard times didn't kno ... " (more)w shipping would be more then just the price the of the weight. My paycheck comes in Tuesday. Even though you were refunded. I will still mail it out then."
"I sent another set 2 days ago. I had to wait ... " (more) to get paid to pay for this second postage. Thank you for your patience, understanding and faith in your fellow man, peace <3"
Feb 22nd 2019, 11:02:21 AM PST (almost 6 years ago)