"I'm sooooo sorry to hear about your son ... " (more)and husband. I pray everyone is ok. Don worry about sending the coupon. Try to relist for more credits. Again, I hope all is ok. "
Oct 15th 2011, 12:13:24 AM BST (over 13 years ago)
"I am so sorry linda, my 11 month old and husba ... " (more)nd were involved in a car accident. I have requested a refund of your credits but I will still try and get the coupon sent out."
"shauna, its ok....im so sorry, i hope your ... " (more) family is ok! dont worry about sending the coupon...our anniversary is this sunday so we wont be able to get it by then and we are just going to take our son to the pumpkin patch and have a family day to celebrate...thank you for the refund and take care..."
"I am so sorry Roxanne Bacho, My husband and 11 ... " (more) month old got into a car accident. I have requested a refund for your credits but when I get to the post office I will get the coupon sent out. When is your anniversay so I can make sure you get it? I hope it hasnt already passed. I am so sorry for the delay"