"SERIOUSLY CRAZY LADY! She lives in a total ... " (more) different reality! BLOCK NOW! Hope this "makes for interesting reading" as I'm "owning that crap." You+your RUDE messages are BLOCKED. This FB should get you "right on track" for the PSYCHO seller you are.-From the "Shady 'B' Queen" LOL"
"I mailed with tracking and added extra items for ... " (more) her little girl. She received the items but never followed through with notifying Listia that she got it. She never responded when I asked if she was happy with the items and again when I asked if she was ok. So considering her lack of integrity "
"SERIOUSLY CRAZY LADY! She lives in a total ... " (more) different reality! BLOCK NOW! Hope this "makes for interesting reading" as I'm "owning that crap." You+your RUDE messages are BLOCKED. This FB should get you "right on track" for the PSYCHO seller you are.-From the "Shady 'B' Queen" LOL"
"She wouldn't acknowledge that she received p ... " (more)kg. I mail with tracking after seeing the large # of unfavorable issues and FB comments associated to this person's activity. It was a precaution but I hoped unnecessary. With my thank you I sent little extras for her daughter. Blocking me was a favor! TY"
"SERIOUSLY CRAZY LADY! She lives in a total ... " (more) different reality! BLOCK NOW! Hope this "makes for interesting reading" as I'm "owning that crap." You+your RUDE messages are BLOCKED. This FB should get you "right on track" for the PSYCHO seller you are.-From the "Shady 'B' Queen" LOL"
"Considering the lack of integrity and common cou ... " (more)rtesy this person used with me, I'm THRILLED to be blocked from any further dealings with them. lol..Who wants that kind of trouble? The issue this time is she wouldn't acknowledge delivery with Listia. So glad I took caution and used tracking!!"
"Sorry for the late feedback but I've ... " (more) been in the hospital twice in a week and was pretty sick. Your flowers are very sweet and will look very pretty on NY cards. Thanks, Deb."