"This guy I told him my daughter was sick ... " (more) and I was taking care of her! Yet he got mad when it took to long I apologized to him but he requested a refund!! So sry family comes first!!"
" Dereck I know gave it his best shot to pull t ... " (more)ogether the cash to ship item ths item was an expensive item to ship , my hats off to you, Dreck my Bro you gave it your best shot and I respect that. I would buy from him in a second if the item was much more practical to ship ."
May 23rd 2015, 11:12:40 PM PDT (almost 10 years ago)
"He's a good guy Byrd they wanted ove ... " (more)r 100$ to ship ha I can't afford that I'm sry I wasted your time with this tv auction!! I'll put smaller stuff next time that I can ship threw mail! Sry for this inconvenience!!"
Jun 9th 2015, 3:47:08 PM PDT (almost 10 years ago)