"Seller was very nice, sadly had some pro ... " (more)blems with mailing but was out of sellers hands so understandable. Was very nice and refunded when learning of the difficulties. : ) "
Feb 20th 2015, 10:14:00 AM PST (about 10 years ago)
"Never sent, blamed USPS like they have done wit ... " (more)h others. Got upset when I requested refund. seems like the play here is to use excuses and promises of shipment to string you along the 20 days from auction end before listia releases the credits"
Feb 14th 2015, 5:41:54 PM PST (about 10 years ago)
"I did send the item there was no tricks behind ... " (more) anything. The way i see it is, she received the item didn't enjoy,so she wanted her credits back. I didn't have no excuses,i was speaking the truth."
Feb 14th 2015, 9:57:30 PM PST (about 10 years ago)