"Thank you, I really enjoyed having you as a cus ... " (more)tomer. I had no problems, and I appreciated you being patient... Thank so much for your feedback...enjoyed doing business with you...Be sure to watch for more of my games, thank you so much "
May 13th 2016, 7:14:47 PM PDT (almost 9 years ago)
"*Buyer Beware* this seller is very disre ... " (more)spectful and is very rude who has no patient my item came in late on a different time and seller threaten me he had to go tell mommy, hes very awful so buyers beware.. Thumbs down for this seller terrible service and lack of communication "
"*seller beware* this is the most impatient, chi ... " (more)ldish buyer, and a pissy attitude. veryyy veryyy disrespectful and rude....i would i not recommend this buyer, seller i am warning you now!!!!!!" "