"Never got item which is upsetting because ... " (more)i gotta get straightened out now. i dont have alot of extra money so sux i gotta wait now for shipping to be returned to me. as a person she was nice but still she didnt give me my stuff"
Oct 26th 2011, 11:16:40 AM PDT (over 13 years ago)
"Just got back in town to my computer was send ... " (more)ing this buyer messages from phone but apparently she never got them even though buyer has already recieved her credits back and filed a dispute with paypal I will still consider shipping the item sorry for the inconvience "
Oct 27th 2011, 11:34:15 PM PDT (over 13 years ago)
"we had a miss understanding, listia wasnt s ... " (more)ending our messages right.i regunded my credits, turns out the seller was trying to message me which meens the seller might haft to relist the item that i won so i can win it back.it toke four days to hear a response & get the sellers shipping info.I needed it to make a three dollar money order to send to them."