"I won this set on June 1st and never receive ... " (more)d it. I'm so disappointed that I could cry. I was really impressed with this seller's work and couldn't wait to see the real thing."
"I won this set on June 1st and never receive ... " (more)d it. I'm so disappointed that I could cry. I was really impressed with this seller's work and couldn't wait to see the real thing."
"Never received said she was in the hospi ... " (more)tal but has been up Listia until 7 days after auction. It should have been mailed by then anyway. She did get up here from auction end for the next 7 days why not communicate that to me when you did come up BEFORE your hospital stay. Communication is the key."
"Seller was in the hospital, but never re ... " (more)ceived any information from her or family about this item. If I had been notified, I would have been patient about shipping of the pearls. Such a shame. "
Jun 14th 2016, 3:27:46 PM PDT (almost 9 years ago)