"Super customer! This is my Mom's listia a ... " (more)nd I'm trying to updat mailing info for all her customers. Will send you an update vy tomorrow, unless we lose power from the coming storm. Thank you for your patience and Happy Thanksgiving Caroline"
"Super customer! This is my Mom's listia a ... " (more)nd she is in the hospital. I'm trying to update all her winners on mailing. After I sort all her receipts and slips, I'll send mailing info to you by tomorrow, unless we lose power from the coming storm. Thank you for your patience and Happy Thanksgiving, Caroline"
Nov 22nd 2011, 10:06:12 AM PST (over 13 years ago)
"Super customer! My Mom is in the hospital, so ... " (more) I'll be gettingthisto the post office by tomorrow. Thank you very much from my Mom. Sincerely, Caroline"