"Unfortunately the ad was supposed to be free s ... " (more)hipping but for some reason I had to pay 7 dollars when I received. But got refund so everything worked out "
Apr 25th 2015, 3:31:28 AM PDT (almost 10 years ago)
"Beautiful purse! Great condition! Came fairly ... " (more) quickly and came with a tracking number. Loved how it was shipped pretty much the same day I won it. Will definitely bid on their stuff again :]"
Apr 21st 2015, 3:36:49 PM PDT (almost 10 years ago)
"Beautiful yarn, totally as stated in the ad. ... " (more) pleasure to do business with and will do so again if yarn is offered. oh and after so many completed transactions, your credits will release at sale point, so make sure to ship timely for timely releases, then they will count you as acreted."
Apr 14th 2015, 3:45:10 AM PDT (almost 10 years ago)