"I feel I packaged this quite well as I do all ... " (more) my items, even shipped for free so am very hesitant that the buyer says this is broken etc but since they were rude I figure let the tantrum thrower have their way w no argument and never deal with them again. enough, if they want insurance they should've asked for it. even the people at the po have said how well I packaged this as I asked if it was sturdy enough. if anything I should've asked for them to return the fan! enough, I don't like neg people or attitudes, w a new year on the horizon I want to make certain I deal with and am reasonable w people."
Dec 30th 2011, 3:29:29 PM PST (about 13 years ago)
"Well you were right, the post office lost it, Bu ... " (more)t it finally arrived. :) 3months later, not your fault, thanks, all's well that ends well"
Mar 12th 2012, 11:27:39 AM PDT (about 13 years ago)