"Are you kidding me! First off...if your ... " (more) for one second implying that I'm lying...that I received this book and then decided to make a dispute to get back a measly 111 credits...that's absurd. I'm an extremely honest and trustworthy person. I trade and sell on 4 sites aside from this one and have 100% rating on every one of them. I waited 23 days to receive this item before I disputed it. I gave you more than enough time to get the item to me. And if you do in fact have a tracking number or receipt from mailing it then why didn't you question if I had gotten it? If I pay to mail something to someone and they never respond to if they've received it or not I'm going to inquire about it and make sure they received it. You never said a word after initial contact. You send me an email saying I would receive a confirmation of mailing when the item shipped...never happened. And don't for one second kid yourself...don't bid on your auctions again? I would be nuts to bid on someone's auction who screwed me over by never shipping the item and then had the audacity to try and make it look like I did something wrong. You have your wires crossed lady. "
Jun 7th 2012, 8:17:57 PM PDT (almost 13 years ago)
"I refunded your credits but the mailing ... " (more) proof I have shows it was delivered to you. I am not going to dispute it because a book is not worth it but please do not bid any of my items again. Thank you. "
Jun 7th 2012, 2:53:04 PM PDT (almost 13 years ago)