"Never recieved....seller stated that her ba ... " (more)by was in the hospital so i understood but after a fair amount of time and her logging in almost everyday i felt i was never going to get my item so i decided to ask for a refund. seller didnt dispute. i wish i could have got the item though. Thanks"
Sep 11th 2012, 5:56:11 PM PDT (about 12 years ago)
"Seller said she'd send my item ASAP beca ... " (more)use of her kid being in the hospital. I said I'd rather have my credits back. She didn't fight it, but despite being on Listia almost every day since and relisting another auction, she couldn't spend 5 seconds to hit the button and give me my credits back! "
Sep 4th 2012, 12:36:59 PM PDT (about 12 years ago)