"This IS MY favorite SET! I LOVE these! I love ... " (more) everything about them! I CANNOT Thank u enough for sharing these beautiful ITEMS Karen! A+++++++++++++++!!!!!! Seller! And a huge sweetheart! (*¯︶¯*)♥(*¯︶¯*)♥(*¯︶¯*)♥(*¯︶¯*)♥(*¯︶¯*)♥"
Feb 14th 2013, 7:59:32 PM PST (almost 12 years ago)
"These ARE just so,so CUTE! THEY ARE gonna go ... " (more)perfect on MY little girls school sweater! Thank u so much Karen! A+++++++++++++++++++++!!!! Seller and person! Such a sweetheart! ~(*+﹏+*)~"
Feb 14th 2013, 7:54:46 PM PST (almost 12 years ago)
"Aw! These ARE one OF MY favorites! These ARE ... " (more)simply amazing! A+++++++++++++++++++++++++++!!!!!!! Wow! Wonderful! Thank u very much Karen! (*¯︶¯*)"
Feb 14th 2013, 7:50:45 PM PST (almost 12 years ago)
"Pictures just don't DO ANY OF these justi ... " (more)ce! Beautiful! Just beautiful! <(@ ̄︶ ̄@)>Thank u so much! A++++++++++++++++++!!!!! Items and seller! ~(*+﹏+*)~"
Feb 14th 2013, 7:48:22 PM PST (almost 12 years ago)