"Once again! The pictures don't DO this st ... " (more)ar ANY justice! IT'S huge! And beautiful! I just LOVE them ALL! A+++++++++++++++++++++!! Seller too! Thank u very MUCH Karen! <(@ ̄︶ ̄@)>"
Feb 14th 2013, 7:41:39 PM PST (almost 12 years ago)
"This IS the most beautiful thingies have ever ... " (more) seen! The pictures don't DO these ANY justice! These items ARE Awesome, Amazing and Beautiful! I LOVE them ALL!! Very,very sweet seller too! A++++++++++++++!! I will be bidding on more! Thank u very much! <(@ ̄︶ ̄@)>♥<(@ ̄︶ ̄@)>♥<(@ ̄︶ ̄@)>♥"
Feb 14th 2013, 7:38:31 PM PST (almost 12 years ago)