"Great buyer to work with. Had a potential ... " (more)problem and she dealt with it in a very good way. All worked out well. Gave me a great auction experience!"
May 24th 2014, 2:23:29 PM PDT (almost 11 years ago)
"So glad you like it. Enjoy. Like your com ... " (more)ment about having fun with my auctions! It really is fun to have a little dialog back and forth on here. I've 'met' some of the nicest folks, including you! Keep bidding and having fun!"
May 20th 2014, 5:03:06 PM PDT (almost 11 years ago)
"Thanks, Barbara. Glad you like them. I di ... " (more)d too and wouldn't have given them up, but they were getting a bit too tight across my top! I'll be putting up more when I can get them together. "
May 15th 2014, 6:04:18 AM PDT (almost 11 years ago)
"Great - I was rather worried about them mak ... " (more)ing the trip! Aren't they beautiful? I loved them but really didn't have anywhere to set them out after I got them! Enjoy. Thanks again for your bidding!"
May 14th 2014, 10:43:54 AM PDT (almost 11 years ago)