"Thank you very much I will be putting th ... " (more)em to good use as I collect them and them turn them in for money and donate to the soldiers who have ptsd. THANK YOU"
"Sent several emails, regarding the shipping c ... " (more)ost, but have not heard back yet. Jenalysa .. please check your emails & let me know if you still want it? I never received the shipping. "
"I never received any shipping information unt ... " (more)il it was already close to the refund date then you requested a refund. If you did not want it you should have just told me and I would have refunded the credits"
May 26th 2016, 11:05:43 AM PDT (almost 9 years ago)
"I credited the winner as she never received t ... " (more)he envelope, which was mailed. I offered to mail her another package, with extra items, but she wanted the credits back. "