"WOW<WOW.I got more than just the albums. I can put these mini albums together just using all the ... " (more) extra this Listian sent. My grandson has been pulling things out of the boxes getting ready to make his personal journal. He is seven and having a blast. Thank you Listian for being so true to your word."
"I will always watch this Listian's auctions. You get way more than what you bid on. AMAZING.... ... " (more)you will have to win to see what I am talking about. Need scrapebooking stuff.....this Listian will not disappoint you. Won three different times and am estactic what I got."
"Oh oh oh.....you can not imagine what was included in my package. If you ever get a chance to win f ... " (more)rom this Listian you will get more than your bid. I am sooooo surprised of what was sent. Thank you Thank you"