"Shipped!!!!! enjoy your free Slippers! You were Made Aware These Were Coming in s ... " (more)low media mail, I couldn't Get In my accnt To Repond. Regardless, Ihad no use for Them. Fiance killed b4 I gave them to him. i'm glad they're with someone that will enjoy them! You've been very kind! Thankyou! God Bless & Keep you! "
"My kids have plenty of books & these were copies of them so we didn't keep them. I mailed a ... " (more)ll 3 books to him & he said he received a open/slighty damp package which he blamed me for openeing & damaging the book when I don't work at the post office. He got mad & I stated I would send some diffrent books, but he refused because he said he already bougth brand new books from Target. I am sorry if my books were not brand new as they are descriped as used. I told him I would return his credits after he returned the book since he refused a replacement, but he didn't want to do that. Listia had to ask him to return the books & when it was returned it looked like it had fallen in the mud and the cover was torn/ripped off and the pages were dirty/muddy. This was not how I sent it & not how the pictured showed at all. I take care of all my items & if the item arrived open then the post office opened it & if it was dirty then he dirtied it up. Very sad :("